The larger, long antennas are used for touching and feeling their environment so the lobsters can move around safely.
Lobsters actually have three pairs of antennas. The two smaller pairs help them recognise various chemical signals and odours in water, this helps them locate food.
In order to promote the industry to a new generation, our aim is to introduce educational elements to engage with a broader audience. Utilising our close links across our coastal community, we will raise awareness of the entire supply chain, from seabed to plate.
The Lobster Shop isn’t here to just serve our own needs as business owners. Our aim is to ensure that creel fishing in the village is a viable business for the next generation to get themselves into, as it’s no secret that the average age of the fishers here in Johnshaven is advanced!

We will do anything we can to support the industry and help educate the community on it too. Whether it’s providing some fun lobster facts or holding talks at the local school, we want to be a hub for information on the industry to prove its viability and provide the information needed for a route into it. Be sure to keep an eye out on our pages for additions as we develop our resources and add them to the website!
NESFLAG and the Lobster Shop McBay’s Shellfish Shop | North East Scotland Fisheries Local Action Group (
Coastal Activities Projects | North East Scotland Fisheries Local Action Group (