Lobsters have 8 legs that they can walk on, but their front two claws are also biologically considered to be legs.
Because of this, lobsters belong in the order Decapods, which means ten-footed.
Our shellfish are cooked inhouse and presented in a variety of tasty ways. Our recipes are family favourites and respect the delicate and distinctive flavours of the shellfish meat.
Our shellfish is cooked in house and presented in a variety of tasty ways. Our recipes are family favorites and respect the delicate flavors of the shellfish meat. This image shows the edible parts of the lobster!

We have tried our best to keep our menu nice and simple so we don’t lose the freshness of the lobster and crab, it’s delicious enough as it is!
Some of our recipes have been a staple of family life for years. Ruth’s Lobster Salad is named after our Gran, Ivar’s mother. She was a fantastic cook and the brains behind the lovely little pot of excellence we sell today. We grew up enjoying it as a family and sharing it with our friends. We love seeing customers enjoying lobster just the same way that we did. We’re sure that our Lobster Salad be a fixture on our menu for years to come!